The structure of primary care is constantly changing and the demands on GP time and finances is increasing. As such, the need for a specialist medical accountant has never been greater. MedFinancial is one of Northern Irelands leading Specialist Medical Accountants.
We act for over 50 GP Practices throughout Northern Ireland. We aim to offer a first class service, promptly returning phone calls, emails and letters and giving personal proactive advice through meetings, correspondence and newsletters.
Our annual service to GP practices includes:
- Specialist practice accounts with comparison to other local GP Practices
- Annual meeting at your practice
- Partner profit allocations
- Preparation of annual partnership and personal tax returns
- Advance advice on taxation payments
- Preparation of annual superannuation certificates
- Support and assistance with adhoc queries throughout the year
Further specialist advice includes:
- Partner drawings projections
- Tax planning and tax projections
- Improving practice income
- Practice mergers and demergers
- Retirement planning
- Succession planning and replacing retiring GPs
- Property ownership and obtaining finance